
To walk a path of communion and universal fraternity, reaffirming the central role of Charity in community life. With this intention, on Sunday 17 October, on the occasion of the World Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the international drawing and photography competition “A Road Called Charity”, launched by the Thouret Foundation, an organisation inspired by the charism and missionary tradition of the Sisters of Charity and celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, will kick off.

At a time in history, which is characterised by the exponential increase of world wealth in the hands of the elite, to the detriment of the poverty of many, in which “the culture of discard” and marginalisation means that indifference and cynicism are the daily fare of the poor, the Thouret Foundation proposes an artistic journey combining civic commitment and solidarity, in which students from schools of all levels throughout the world will be able to participate.

Entry to the competition is completely free of charge and involves the creation of entries, graphic or photographic works using preferred techniques, to tell of places, stories or personalities that have distinguished themselves in the fight against marginality and extreme poverty. Positive examples that encourage, especially the youngest, to commit themselves to building a more just and fraternal society.

Entries must be submitted by 31 January 2023 according to the terms indicated in the competition announcement, which can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website

Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Holy See’s Dicastery for Communication, will preside over the prestigious jury, composed of Lia Giovanazzi Beltrami, director and documentary filmmaker; Biagio Tamarazzo, official photographer of the Vatican’s Technical Services; Glorianda Cipolla, president of the cultural association Art Mont Blanc of Courmayeur; and Mónica Rosana Porto, sculptor and ceramist.

Several prizes were made available for the winners, thanks also to the technical support of the FILA Group and Edizioni Paoline. The list of award-winning students will be published on the Foundation’s website and social media channels, while the award ceremony will take place in Rome in March 2023.