A SHOPPING that foments solidarity!

At the beginning of the global pandemic, we have launched a gathering of funds, to which many of you have answered with great generosity.
We have collected more than 15000 euros. This money has been distributed in the production of face masks for Italian realities, organisation of classes for our mission in Africa and also in the donation of equipment to prevent the infection.
We should now continue our answer to this emergency with the project “A Shopping that foments solidarity!”: a kind of food collection established to face the poverty caused by the Covid-19 emergency.
“A shopping that foments solidarity” is an initiative that could be supported by everybody. If you would like to sustain this project and let damaged families feel your closeness to them, you could do it by making a bank transfer directed to the Thouret Foundation. This Foundation, in collaboration with many other volunteers, will provide to the distribution of all types of groceries and other essential goods.

Per donare 
c/c Banca Popolare di Sondrio Agenzia 33 Roma
IBAN: IT 45 J 05696 03233 000002190X26
Postal current account: n. 1013190846
IBAN: IT 06 S 07601 03200 001013190846
The last one is registered to Thouret Onlus Foundation.