It is inspired by the charism and missionary tradition of the Sisters of Charity of St. John Antida Thouret. Its style of intervention is based on real proximity.
Its biblical reference icon is Matthew 25: 31-46: “I was hungry … thirst …. I was a stranger … sick … prisoner. Every time you did these things to one of these younger brothers of mine, you did it to me. ”
This Gospel passage, in light of the charism inherited by Saint Giovanna Antida Thouret from the Church, her daughters and lay friends, is a concrete response to today’s world, indifferent, individualistic, opportunistic. We are all invited to make a choice through this “Culture of solidarity”, in order to contribute to the progress of a new, alternative, just and supportive humanity.
The inspirational and operative lines according to Santa Giovanna Antida are these:
Human promotion – Support – Development
The Board of Directors is the governing and governing body which is responsible for all the powers necessary for the implementation of the purposes of the Foundation.
President: Sr Maria Rosa Muscarella
Avv. Marco Petrini, Vice President
Dr. Laura Stopponi, Councilor
Sister Nicole Marie Roland, sdc, Councilor
Sister Isabella Ayme, sdc, Councilor
Coordinator: Sr Maria Luisa Caruso
The logo
Colors – lines – shapes: a passion
The logo graphically would like to express many meanings and communicate our passion for humanity today and the mission of the Foundation.
Here are just a few possible readings:
The red of the flame of charity …
The blue of the encounter between heaven and earth …
The orange of the horizon of hope …
The dawn of a new world …
The cross staff …