Invest in our planet: a seed today, a forest tomorrow
Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April in 193 countries around the world with the aim of raising awareness on issues such as environmental protection, sustainability and climate change.
This year, the theme chosen is ‘Invest in our Planet’, to encourage governments, businesses and individuals to invest in the future of the planet and future generations. As believers, we have a duty to make concrete commitments to safeguard the gift of creation that God has entrusted to us. Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato si’, invited us to live an ‘integral ecology’ that includes respect for nature, human dignity, social justice and peace. We are called to act more concretely to:
- Reduce energy and resource consumption by choosing renewable sources and environmentally friendly products.
- Recycle and reuse materials, avoiding waste and waste production.
- Cultivate a lifestyle of sobriety and solidarity, sharing goods with those most in need and participating in voluntary initiatives.
- Educate ourselves and all young people to respect and care for the environment, through example, prayer and training.
- Support organisations and institutions committed to defending the planet and human rights.
As a Foundation we support the projects of the Sisters of Charity and we also invest in the future and reap the benefits of this present:
In Chad, with the street children who live in the reception centre, cultivating the land is a way of helping them to recover their childhood, they learn to take care of the plants, to observe the cycle of life, to collaborate with others and to value natural resources
In Indonesia, on the large plot of land around the school, catechum, maize and other fruit trees are cultivated, fish and pigs are raised so that the nuns and villagers are never without necessities
In Vietnam, each community cultivates the land and tends the garden. Education in working the land and rearing animals is an opportunity especially for the young girls who live with us and come closer to our reality
In Laos, trees are planted and rice is grown so that our students and neighbours can eat it